PBS and HPFV combinations
View Victoria’s network maps for Class 2 Performance Based Standards (PBS) combinations, including High Productivity Freight Vehicle (HPFV) combinations.
All authorised heavy vehicle road network maps are now published by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, through the NHVR National Network Map.
View the NHVR National Network Map (External link)
To ease the industry’s transition to the National Maps, Victoria’s heavy vehicle network maps will continue to be updated on the VicRoads’ website in the short-term.
Please refer to the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide, the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (Tier 1) Authorisation notice operator’s guide and Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria prior to travelling on any of the PBS and HPFV networks.
As of 3 June 2024, renaming and reclassification of the HPFV networks and reference vehicles has come into effect. Reference vehicles now allow different trailer configurations, as long as the axle spacings are met.
The content of Victoria’s HPFV information sheet has been integrated in to the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide(External link).
The reference vehicles specifications are now available in the Reference Vehicle Information Sheet, contained in the guide.
The guide also contains the Victoria PBS High Productivity Network Reclassification 2024 information sheet which provides detailed information on the network classification that has come into effect on 3 June 2024. This includes resources to translate the former reference vehicle names to the new naming convention.
Where access is sought for roads not on the relevant network maps, operators are to submit a Class 2 permit application via the NHVR website.
For combinations that do not meet the requirements to operate under notice and/or do not match a reference vehicle, operators are to submit a Class 2 permit application via the NHVR website.
HPFVs in excess of 26m length must acquire an ODL permit to prior to traversal of any railway or tramway. More information is available on the ODL permit page of the Victorian government website.
For all road closures, traffic alerts, roadworks and detours, or events causing road closures and/or detours, this Planned & Unplanned Disruptions map layer should be applied to the heavy vehicle network intended for use. NOTE: The route to be used must also be checked prior to travel. The Disruptions data will be viewable on the HV map network you are checking by toggling on once in the highlighted layers widget above the information panel.

To receive HPFV Mass Map updates, please subscribe to the HPFV Mass mail group. Unsubscribe from the mail group, via the unsubscribe email.
PBS Level 1
PBS Level 2
PBS Level 3
PBS Quad-Semis