PBS and HPFV combinations

View Victoria’s network maps for Class 2 Performance Based Standards (PBS) combinations, including High Productivity Freight Vehicle (HPFV) combinations. 

All authorised heavy vehicle road network maps are now published by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, through the NHVR National Network Map.

View the NHVR National Network Map (External link)

To ease the industry’s transition to the National Maps, Victoria’s heavy vehicle network maps will continue to be updated on the VicRoads’ website in the short-term.

Please refer to the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide, the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (Tier 1) Authorisation notice operator’s guide and Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria prior to travelling on any of the PBS and HPFV networks.

As of 3 June 2024, renaming and reclassification of the HPFV networks and reference vehicles has come into effect. Reference vehicles now allow different trailer configurations, as long as the axle spacings are met.

The content of Victoria’s HPFV information sheet has been integrated in to the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide(External link).

The reference vehicles specifications are now available in the Reference Vehicle Information Sheet, contained in the guide.

The guide also contains the Victoria PBS High Productivity Network Reclassification 2024 information sheet which provides detailed information on the network classification that has come into effect on 3 June 2024. This includes resources to translate the former reference vehicle names to the new naming convention.

Where access is sought for roads not on the relevant network maps, operators are to submit a Class 2 permit application via the NHVR website.

For combinations that do not meet the requirements to operate under notice and/or do not match a reference vehicle, operators are to submit a Class 2 permit application via the NHVR website.

HPFVs in excess of 26m length must acquire an ODL permit to prior to traversal of any railway or tramway. More information is available on the ODL permit page of the Victorian government website.

For all road closures, traffic alerts, roadworks and detours, or events causing road closures and/or detours, this Planned & Unplanned Disruptions map layer should be applied to the heavy vehicle network intended for use. NOTE: The route to be used must also be checked prior to travel. The Disruptions data will be viewable on the HV map network you are checking by toggling on once in the highlighted layers widget above the information panel. 

To receive HPFV Mass Map updates, please subscribe to the HPFV Mass mail group. Unsubscribe from the mail group, via the unsubscribe email.   

PBS Level 1

Mack truck and dog trailer

View the PBS Level 1 map

Victoria's gazetted map network for Class 2 PBS Level 1 vehicles operating under the notice explained by the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (Tier 1) Authorisation notice operator’s guide.

For more information about operating under PBS in Victoria, please refer to the PBS Industry Guide Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria.

Roads not shown as approved (green) or orange (approved with conditions) require road manager approval for access by permit, with the exception of signed detours. This map is deemed to include any detour around a road closure on a gazetted road, provided it is marked with detour signage.

Note: Operators must comply with mass and height clearance restrictions as indicated by symbols (red dots for mass and orange diamonds for height)

Relevant documents:

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (Tier 1) Authorisation notice operator’s guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (Tier 1) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.1)

Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria  

PBS Level 2

View the PBS Level 2A map

Victoria's Gazetted Class 2 PBS Level 2A network map applies to PBS level 2A vehicles operating under either:

For more information about operating under PBS in Victoria, please refer to the PBS Industry Guide Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria.

Roads not shown as approved (green) or orange (approved with conditions) require road manager approval for access by permit, with the exception of signed detours. This map is deemed to include any detour around a road closure on a gazetted road, provided it is marked with detour signage.

Note: Operators must comply with mass and height clearance restrictions as indicated by symbols (red dots for mass and orange diamonds for height)

Relevant documents:

PBS Level 2A Tanker Network information sheet (August 2023)

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (Tier 1) Authorisation notice operator’s guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (Tier 1) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.1)

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3)

Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria

HPFV 26m A-Doubles Mass - VolumetricView the PBS Level 2A 74.5t - Volumetric network maps (External link)

Victoria’s Gazetted Class 2 PBS Level 2A 74.5t Volumetric network maps show approved roads for 26m 74.5t volumetric HPFVs operating under the notice explained by the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide.

For more information about operating under PBS in Victoria, please refer to the PBS Industry Guide Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria.

Roads not shown as approved (green) or orange (approved with conditions) require road manager approval for access by permit, with the exception of signed detours. This map is deemed to include any detour around a road closure on a gazetted road, provided it is marked with detour signage.

Roads are mapped in five categories: approved (green), conditionally approved (orange), restricted (red), funded improvements (blue) and routes currently under assessment (purple). 

Restricted bridges (red dot) may only be crossed at a gross mass of 68.5 tonne. Conditionally approved bridges (orange dot) can only be crossed by combinations operating at the allowed weight as described in the map.

Note: Operators must comply with mass and height clearance restrictions as indicated by symbols (red dots for mass and orange diamonds for height). 

Relevant documents:

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3)

Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria


Image of two B Double vehicles side by side

View the PBS Level 2B Cubic map (External link)

Victoria’s Gazetted Class 2 Performance Base Standards (PBS) Level 2B Cubic network map applies to 30m 68.5t cubic HPFVs operating under the notice explained by the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide.

Roads not shown as approved (green) or orange (approved with conditions) require road manager approval for access by permit, with the exception of signed detours. This map is deemed to include any detour around a road closure on a gazetted road, provided it is marked with detour signage.

For more information about operating under PBS in Victoria, please refer to the PBS Industry Guide Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria.

Note: Operators must comply with mass and height clearance restrictions as indicated by symbols (red dots for mass and orange diamonds for height). Restricted rail crossings (red crossing symbols) must not be crossed.

Relevant documents:

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3)


image of HPFV

View the PBS Level 2B 73.0t and 77.5t General Freight network map

Victoria’s Gazetted Class 2 PBS Level 2B General Freight network shows approved roads for 30m 73.0t and 77.5 tonne general freight HPFVs operating under the notice explained by the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide.

For more information about operating under PBS in Victoria, please refer to the PBS Industry Guide Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria.

Roads not shown as approved (green) or orange (approved with conditions) require road manager approval for access by permit, with the exception of signed detours. This map is deemed to include any detour around a road closure on a gazetted road, provided it is marked with detour signage.

Restricted bridges (red dot) may only be crossed at a gross combination mass of 68.5 tonne. Conditionally approved bridges (orange dot) can only be crossed by combinations operating at the allowed weight as described in the map.

Note: Operators must comply with mass and height clearance restrictions as indicated by symbols (red dots for mass and orange diamonds for height). Restricted rail crossings (red crossing symbols) must not be crossed.

Relevant documents:

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3)

Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria  

Image of HPFV A DOuble vehicleView the PBS Level 2B - 85.5t General Freight map 

Victoria’s Gazetted Class 2 PBS Level 2B 85.5t General Freight network maps show approved roads for 30m 85.5t general freight HPFVs operating under the notice explained by the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide.

For more information about operating under PBS in Victoria, please refer to the PBS Industry Guide Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria.

Roads not shown as approved (green) or orange (approved with conditions) require road manager approval for access by permit, with the exception of signed detours. This map is deemed to include any detour around a road closure on a gazetted road, provided it is marked with detour signage.

Roads are mapped in five categories: approved (green), conditionally approved (orange), restricted (red), funded improvements (blue) and routes currently under assessment (purple). 

Restricted bridges (red dot) may only be crossed at a gross mass of 68.5 tonne. Conditionally approved bridges (orange dot) can only be crossed by combinations operating at the allowed weight as described in the map.

Note: Operators must comply with mass and height clearance restrictions as indicated by symbols (red dots for mass and orange diamonds for height). Restricted rail crossings (red crossing symbols) must not be crossed.

Relevant documents:

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3)

Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria

A Double tanker

View the PBS Level 2B 85.5t Volumetric map (External link)

Victoria's Gazetted Class 2 PBS 2B 85.5t Volumetric network maps show approved roads for 30m 85.5t volumetric HPFVs operating under the notice explained by the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide.

For more information about operating under PBS in Victoria, please refer to the PBS Industry Guide Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria.

Roads not shown as approved (green) or orange (approved with conditions) require road manager approval for access by permit, with the exception of signed detours. This map is deemed to include any detour around a road closure on a gazetted road, provided it is marked with detour signage.

Roads are mapped in five categories: approved (green), conditionally approved (orange), restricted (red), funded improvements (blue) and routes currently under assessment (purple). 

Restricted bridges (red dot) may only be crossed at a gross mass of 68.5 tonne. Conditionally approved bridges (orange dot) can only be crossed by combinations operating at the allowed weight as described in the map.

Note: Operators must comply with mass and height clearance restrictions as indicated by symbols (red dots for mass and orange diamonds for height). Restricted rail crossings (red crossing symbols) must not be crossed.

Relevant documents:

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3)

Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria

PBS Level 3

image of HPFV

View the PBS Level 3A 73.0t and 77.5t General Freight Network map(External link)

Victoria’s Gazetted Class 2 PBS Level 3A 73.0t and 77.5t network shows approved roads for 30m 73.0t and 77.5t general freight HPFVs operating under the notice explained by the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide.

For more information about operating under the PBS in Victoria, please refer to the PBS Industry Guide Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria.

Roads not shown as approved (green) or orange (approved with conditions) require road manager approval for access by permit, with the exception of signed detours. This map is deemed to include any detour around a road closure on a gazetted road, provided it is marked with detour signage.

Restricted bridges (red dot) may only be crossed at a gross mass of 68.5 tonne. Conditionally approved bridges (orange dot) can only be crossed by combinations operating at the allowed weight as described in the map.

Note: Operators must comply with mass and height clearance restrictions as indicated by symbols (red dots for mass and orange diamonds for height). Restricted rail crossings (red crossing symbols) must not be crossed.

Relevant documents:

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3)

Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria  

Image of HPFV A DOuble vehicle

View the PBS Level 3A –85.5t General Freight map (over 30m)

View the PBS Level 3A 85.5t General freight map (up to 36.5m)

Victoria’s Gazetted Class 2 PBS Level 3A 85.5t General Freight network maps show approved roads for 36.5m 85.5t general freight HPFVs operating under the notice explained by the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide.

For more information about operating under PBS in Victoria, please refer to the PBS Industry Guide Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria.

Roads not shown as approved (green) or orange (approved with conditions) require road manager approval for access by permit, with the exception of signed detours. This map is deemed to include any detour around a road closure on a gazetted road, provided it is marked with detour signage.

Roads are mapped in five categories: approved (green), conditionally approved (orange), restricted (red), funded improvements (blue) and routes currently under assessment (purple). 

Restricted bridges (red dot) may only be crossed at a gross mass of 68.5 tonne. Conditionally approved bridges (orange dot) can only be crossed by combinations operating at the allowed weight as described in the map.

Note: Operators must comply with mass and height clearance restrictions as indicated by symbols (red dots for mass and orange diamonds for height). Restricted rail crossings (red crossing symbols) must not be crossed.

Relevant documents:

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3)

To obtain a permit to operate an A-Double please submit your Class 2 permit application via the NHVR website (External link).

A Double tanker

View the PBS Level 3A –85.5t Volumetric maps(External link)

Victoria's Gazetted Class 2 PBS 85.5t volumetric network maps show approved roads for 36.5m 85.5t volumetric HPFVs operating under the notice explained by the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide.

For more information about operating under PBS in Victoria, please refer to the PBS Industry Guide Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria.

Roads not shown as approved (green) or orange (approved with conditions) require road manager approval for access by permit, with the exception of signed detours. This map is deemed to include any detour around a road closure on a gazetted road, provided it is marked with detour signage.

Roads are mapped in five categories: approved (green), conditionally approved (orange), restricted (red), funded improvements (blue) and routes currently under assessment (purple). 

Restricted bridges (red dot) may only be crossed at a gross mass of 68.5 tonne. Conditionally approved bridges (orange dot) can only be crossed by combinations operating at the allowed weight as described in the map.

Note: Operators must comply with mass and height clearance restrictions as indicated by symbols (red dots for mass and orange diamonds for height). Restricted rail crossings (red crossing symbols) must not be crossed.

Relevant documents:

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3)

View the PBS Level 3A 91.0t General Freight map(External link)

Victoria’s Gazetted Class 2 PBS Level 3A 91.0t General Freight network maps network maps show approved roads for 36.5m 91.0t general freight HPFVs operating under the notice explained by the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide.

For more information about operating under PBS in Victoria, please refer to the PBS Industry Guide Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria.

Roads not shown as approved (green) or orange (approved with conditions) require road manager approval for access by permit, with the exception of signed detours. This map is deemed to include any detour around a road closure on a gazetted road, provided it is marked with detour signage.

Roads are mapped in three categories: approved (green), conditionally approved (orange), restricted (red). Restricted bridges (red dot) may only be crossed at a gross mass of 68.5 tonne. Conditionally approved bridges (orange dot) can only be crossed by combinations operating at the allowed weight as described in the map.

Note: Operators must comply with mass and height clearance restrictions as indicated by symbols (red dots for mass and orange diamonds for height). Restricted rail crossings (red crossing symbols) must not be crossed.

Relevant documents:

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3)

View the PBS Level 3A 91.0t Volumetric network map(External link) 

Victoria’s Gazetted Class 2 PBS Level 3A 91.0t Volumetric network maps show approved roads for 36.5m 91.0t volumetric HPFVs operating under the notice explained by the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide.

For more information about operating under the Performance-Based Standards (PBS) in Victoria, please refer to the PBS Industry Guide Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria.

Roads not shown as approved (green) or orange (approved with conditions) require road manager approval for access by permit, with the exception of signed detours. This map is deemed to include any detour around a road closure on a gazetted road, provided it is marked with detour signage.

Roads are mapped in three categories: approved (green), conditionally approved (orange), restricted (red). Restricted bridges (red dot) may only be crossed at a gross mass of 68.5 tonne. Conditionally approved bridges (orange dot) can only be crossed by combinations operating at the allowed weight as described in the map.

Note: Operators must comply with mass and height clearance restrictions as indicated by symbols (red dots for mass and orange diamonds for height). Restricted rail crossings (red crossing symbols) must not be crossed.

Relevant documents:

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3)


View the PBS Level 3A 113.5t General Freight network map (External link)

Victoria’s Gazetted Class 2 PBS Level 3A 113.5t General Freight network maps show approved roads for 36.5m 113.5t general freight HPFVs operating under the notice explained by the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide.

For more information about operating under the Performance-Based Standards (PBS) in Victoria, please refer to the PBS Industry Guide Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria.

Roads not shown as approved (green) or orange (approved with conditions) require road manager approval for access by permit, with the exception of signed detours. This map is deemed to include any detour around a road closure on a gazetted road, provided it is marked with detour signage.

Roads are mapped in three categories: approved (green), conditionally approved (orange), restricted (red). Restricted bridges (red dot) may only be crossed at a gross mass of 68.5 tonne. Conditionally approved bridges (orange dot) can only be crossed by combinations operating at the allowed weight as described in the map.

Note: Operators must comply with mass and height clearance restrictions as indicated by symbols (red dots for mass and orange diamonds for height). Restricted rail crossings (red crossing symbols) must not be crossed.

Relevant documents:

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3)

Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria

View the PBS Level 3A 113.5t Volumetric network map (External link)

Victoria’s Gazetted Class 2 PBS Level 3A 113.5t Volumetric network maps show approved roads for 36.5m 113.5t volumetric HPFVs operating under the notice explained by the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide.

For more information about operating under the Performance-Based Standards (PBS) in Victoria, please refer to the PBS Industry Guide Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria.

Roads not shown as approved (green) or orange (approved with conditions) require road manager approval for access by permit, with the exception of signed detours. This map is deemed to include any detour around a road closure on a gazetted road, provided it is marked with detour signage.

Roads are mapped in three categories: approved (green), conditionally approved (orange), restricted (red). Restricted bridges (red dot) may only be crossed at a gross mass of 68.5 tonne. Conditionally approved bridges (orange dot) can only be crossed by combinations operating at the allowed weight as described in the map.

Note: Operators must comply with mass and height clearance restrictions as indicated by symbols (red dots for mass and orange diamonds for height). Restricted rail crossings (red crossing symbols) must not be crossed.

Relevant documents:

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3)

Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria

PBS Quad-Semis

Quad-Semi trailer image

View the PBS Quad Semitrailer map(External link)

Victoria’s Gazetted PBS Quad Semitrailer network map of roads approved for 20m 50.5t general freight Quad Semitrailers to operating under the notice explained by the National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Operator’s Guide.

For more information about operating under PBS in Victoria, please refer to the PBS Industry Guide Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria.

Roads not shown as approved (green) or orange (approved with conditions) require road manager approval for access by permit, with the exception of signed detours. This map is deemed to include any detour around a road closure on a gazetted road, provided it is marked with detour signage.

Roads are mapped in five categories: approved (green), conditionally approved (orange), restricted (red), funded improvements (blue) and routes currently under assessment (purple). Restricted bridges (red dot) may only be crossed at a gross mass of 46 tonne (quad-axle trailer group gross mass of 22.5 tonne).

Note: Operators must comply with mass and height clearance restrictions as indicated by symbols (red dots for mass and orange diamonds for height).

Relevant documents:

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice Operator’s Guide

National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022 (No.3)

Operating a Performance-Based Standards vehicle in Victoria 


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