Register an imported vehicle

Find out what you need to do to register a vehicle that has been imported from outside Australia.

If your vehicle has been imported, there will be some extra requirements to register it for the first time in Victoria.

This will depend on how the vehicle is classified.

Once you have everything you need, you can register your imported vehicle by filling out the vehicle registration application form (PDF 333kb) and making an appointment at a VicRoads Customer Service Centre.

Register a vehicle

Getting import approval

Before your vehicle is imported, you will need to get import approval. This is managed by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (DITRDCA).

Visit for more infomation about how to import a vehicle.  

Requirements for registering an imported vehicle

The requirements for registering an imported vehicle differ depending on the category they were approved under. The three main categories are:

  • vehicles modified by a Registered Automotive Workshop Scheme (RAWS)
  • vehicles that are more than 25 years old (older vehicles)
  • vehicles imported for personal use where their owner is moving to Australia (personal effects vehicles).

To be eligible for registration in Victoria, vehicles that are less than 30 years old must be in right hand drive configuration. 

To be registered in Victoria, the vehicle must have:

The vehicle must comply with the standards for registration applicable at its date of manufacture. For more information about vehicles modified by a RAWS, see

Vehicles modified by a Registered Automotive Workshop Scheme (RAWS)

To be registered in Victoria, the vehicle must have:

You will also need a blue modification approval plate if the vehicle was manufactured:

  • after 1968 (or June 1975 for motorcycles) and is more than 25 years old (even if it hasn’t been modified)
  • before 1969 (or July 1975 for motorcycles) and has had major modifications, including a steering conversion.

For more information about importing vehicles more than 25 years old, see

Vehicles that are more than 25 years old (older vehicles)

To be registered in Victoria, the vehicle must have:

You will also need a blue modification approval plate if the vehicle was manufactured:

  • after 1968 (or June 1975 for motorcycles) and is more than 25 years old (even if it hasn’t been modified)  
  • before 1969 (or July 1975 for motorcycles) and has had major modifications, including a steering conversion.

For more information about importing a vehicle for personal use, see

Vehicles imported for personal use (personal effects vehicles)

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